
METAL TECH Leading the Future Industry

With the easing of COVID-19, the international war, and the global
economic recession continues, it is time to prepare for future industries.

Despite the difficult environment, Korea’s “Steel" and “Nonferrous Metal"
industries have been competing with global companies and have achieved
results with high functionaland high value-added technological innovations.

In the era of the 4th industry, realize the future industry with a new paradigm
that was not in the world, share new technologies and information, and have new
communication and marketing opportunities with buyers of new demand industries!


Invite new demand for domestic and foreign future industries

  • Invite 50 steel buyers from 10 countries through KOTRA's Overseas Trade Center Holding an export business meeting
  • Invites large numbers of steel & non-ferrous big buyers in metropolitan area
  • Invited purchase consultation meeting for distribution buyers (100 companies)
  • Visit related parties by holding conferences and seminars for each steel and nonferrous metals sector
  • New demand for future industries is invited in large numbers

Global Market Place SMK
SMK 2021